Our Orthodox Christian Metropolia stands firm in its adherence to the Holy Tradition of the Orthodox Church of Church, teaching and preaching the Holy Gospel of Our God and Lord Jesus Christ, following in the teachings and traditions of the Holy Apostles, Fathers, and Ecumenical Councils. Therefore, we resist and anathematize the Ecumenical and Modernist heresies, since they compromise the mission of the Orthodox Christian Faith.

Our Sacred Mission is to preserve unadulterated the Sacred Tradition of the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church; to continue the mission of the One, Holy Apostolic Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ to the nations to whom our service has been entrusted; to endeavor at every hour to spread the message of salvation granted to the Holy Apostles as Our Lord commands, to do, as the Canticle in the Gospel states: “to be a light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of Thy people Israel” (Lk. 2:32).

For a much clearer exposition of our Church’s position on the critical issues affecting Orthodoxy today, please read the Clergy Confession approved by our Metropolitan.

April 17, 2021

Repose of Metropolitan Angelos of Avlona

This past Feast of the Holy Annunciation, His Beatitude, Metropolitan Angelos of Avlona, reposed in the Lord. His Beatitude had been in ill health for some […]
February 13, 2020

Repose of Fr. Ioannis Sumalinog

Shortly before 10:00 o’clock in the evening of February 12, 2020, Philippine Time, the Rev. Fr. Ioannis Sumalinog, a Priest of our Church, reposed in the […]
August 8, 2017

Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov) of Moscow [+1867] on Prayer for the Departed

There are some ‘Christians’ who deprive themselves of the consolation of prayers for the dead. And who are they? Without doubt those who, knowingly, or in […]
August 7, 2017

Short Overview on the Funeral Rites for Father Deacon John this Past Friday and Saturday

A Short Overview on the Funeral Rites for Father Deacon John at Holy Transfiguration Western Rite Orthodox Church this past Friday and Saturday Everything went as […]
August 1, 2017

Funeral Services for Fr. Deacon John Nelson

Funeral services at Holy Transfiguration Western Rite Orthodox Church for Fr. Deacon John Nelson will be held this Friday, the 4th of August on the new […]